What a wonderful time we had up in the UP, at the St. Ignace Art Fair. The weather was made to order! Customers each day were filling up the boardwalk and making purchases. I made some great new contacts and new and returning customers! It was a great success. I signed up for next year again, same spot, same weekend!
It is sure interesting to see what people pick out as their favorite thing to purchase. Each location and the time of year seem to make a difference. People choose gifts for others mostly in the winter, but in the summer many people buy whatever catches their eye for their home or cottage! And of course there are those who buy for gifts as well.
I am all ready for the show coming up next weekend, the Lac St. Clair show on the 15th of September. I hope the weather will cooperate as it did this Labor Day.
Many people really liked my vases with flowers. I saved some to glaze and will be doing another firing before Saturday with new vases and some tiles.
Next week after the Lac St. Clair Art Fair I will be making Knitting Bowls. Alfords of Mackinaw Island is interested in them! Here is their FB page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alfords-Yarn-Shop/117783221610519
- It is sure fun setting up the booth, our little FeatherTrail Store on the road!